About Us

Pure Quality Drinking Water

A Trusted Name In
Refilling Water Industry

Maxium Purity

Precision filtration, reverse osmosis and UV filtration remove 99.99% of all impurities.

5 Steps Purification

A pure water with the right balance of minerals and a rich natural taste. Zero impurities. Infinite benefits.

Chlorine Free

A chlorine free water ensures there is no formation of harmful chlorine by-products.

Quality Certified

Our water has met the highest levels of approvals by regulators and is tested monthly for quality assurance.

The Company

Culligan Water is a purified water distribution company founded to quench the thirst for affordable, tasty and healthy purified water.

Purification Process

The goal is simple: A water devoid of all harmful bacteria and virus but which contains essential minerals and has a rich natural taste.

Media & Precision Filtration

Removes upto 90% of all odour, sediments and colour.

Reverse Osmosis

Removes 99% of all remaining sediments and ions.


Essential minerals in right combinations are introduced.

UV Strelization

Kills all bacteria and virus that might be present.

Culligan Water Basic Water



2.5 mg/L
Reduces blood pressure, protects against stroke and helps prevent osteoporosis and kidney stones


0.5 mg/L
Strengthens teeth enamel and helps prevent cavities


350a mg/L
Helps maintain proper blood volume, blood pressure, and pH of your body fluids


14.5 mg/L
Is beneficial in over 600 reactions in the body: boosting exercise, fighting depression, lowering risk of type 2 diabetes, lowering blood pressure, reducing insulin resistance, etc.


2 mg/L


157 mg/L


5.6 mg/L


0.4 mg/L

Why Choose Us

A market leader in purified water refilling, we are setting new standards in the business. Never before has purified water been so sweet, nourishing and affordable.