Unique Blend With Rich Minerals

At Culligan Water we understand that water isn't just a liquid for quenching thirst. Neither is it just a combination of of hydrogen and oxygen atoms (H2O).
This is why our purification and mineralization processes are carefully engineered to maintain the perfect balance of essential minerals while retaining a rich fulfilling taste.
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Filtration plant

Purification Process

The goal is simple: A water devoid of all harmful bacteria and virus but which contains essential minerals and has a rich natural taste.

Media & Precision Filtration

Removes upto 90% of all odour, sediments and colour.

Reverse Osmosis

Removes 99% of all remaining sediments and ions.


Essential minerals in right combinations are introduced.

UV Strelization

Kills all bacteria and virus that might be present.

Our Pricing

Our Mission

We are re-defining the purified water experience. We believe that great water shouldn't just replenish but also nourish the body.
  • Rich natural taste
  • Essential minerals
  • Quality Assuarance


Why Choose Us

A market leader in purified water refilling, we are setting new standards in the business. Never before has purified water been so sweet, nourishing and affordable.

The News
About Culligan Water

A Premier Source Of Top Quality Purified Water

At Culligan Water we understand the value of water. Water is more than just life ...

How Water Is Useful For Our Body & Life

We all know it is important, and we all know we should be doing it. But do we know why? ...